About 杏椰椰甜品 Grandpa Almond Dessert - KS
椰爺滋味 | 窩心甜品 人手制作、真材實料
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椰皇雪燕燉雙皮奶 Stewed Milk Pudding with Gum Karaya in King Coconut
$59.00泰國金標龍眼爽冰 Longan Smoothie
$83.00呂宋芒奶昔爽冰 Carabao Mango Smoothie
$59.00椰皇桃膠燉雙皮奶 Stewed Milk Pudding with Peach Gum in King Coconut
$83.00呂宋芒椰木蓮凍 Morre Jelly with Mango Smoothie
$79.00椰皇榴槤燉雙皮奶【凍】 Stewed Milk Pudding with Durian in King Coconut (C)
招牌推薦 Signatures
椰皇雪燕燉雙皮奶 Stewed Milk Pudding with Gum Karaya in King Coconut
$59.00泰國金標龍眼爽冰 Longan Smoothie
$59.00呂宋芒椰木蓮凍 Morre Jelly with Mango Smoothie
$79.00榴槤爽冰 Durian Smoothie
匠心木蓮凍 Morre Jelly
「真果肉」爽冰 Fruit Smoothie
採用了天然新鮮的水果,經過高壓萃取技術,製成果肉凍塊,保留了水果的天然香氣和口感,不添加防腐劑、色素、香精等添加劑,不含脂肪和膽固醇。 Using natural and fresh fruit, through high-pressure extraction technology, jelly blocks are made, which retains the natural aroma and taste of the fruit, does not add preservatives, pig
泰國金標龍眼爽冰 Longan Smoothie
$59.00呂宋芒奶昔爽冰 Carabao Mango Smoothie
$50.00榴槤爽冰 Durian Smoothie
厚肉椰皇燉雙皮奶 Steamed King Coconut Series
椰皇雪燕燉雙皮奶 Stewed Milk Pudding with Gum Karaya in King Coconut
配黑芝麻湯圓3粒$83.00椰皇榴槤燉雙皮奶【凍】 Stewed Milk Pudding with Durian in King Coconut (C)
$85.00椰皇桃膠燉雙皮奶 Stewed Milk Pudding with Peach Gum in King Coconut
Steamed Milk Pudding with Peach Gum in Coconut人手精選桃膠加入啖啖肉椰皇,3.6牛乳雙皮奶 + 香濃椰汁。$83.00
爆漿流心湯圓 Tangyuan
「杏」的湯圓則特別之處在於全部都是流心滿餡,口味有榴槤、抹茶、花生和黑芝麻湯圓。榴槤湯圓使用墨汁皮,抹茶湯圓則使用青汁,搭配桂花糖水,增添甜味和香氣 Almond Dessert's glutinous rice balls have fillings in every bite, with flavors like durian, matcha, peanut, and black sesame. Durian uses ink skin, matcha uses green juice, and s
黑芝麻湯圓 Black Sesame Tangyuan
$43.00榴槤湯圓(5粒) Durian Tangyuan
懷舊古式手磨糖水 Vintage Series
$47.00芝麻杏仁茶 Black Sesame with Almond Sweet Soup
呂宋芒一族 Carabao Mango
呂宋芒,柔軟、多汁。含有豐富的維生素C、維生素A和維生素E,保護眼睛健康、增強免疫力和促進皮膚健康。呂宋芒每100克只含有約60卡路里,含有豐富的纖維,有助於促進腸道健康,防止便秘和其他消化問題。含有豐富的抗氧化劑,可以幫助身體對抗自由基和其他有害物質。 Luzon mangoes are soft, juicy and low in calories (60/100g). They're rich in fiber, vitamins C, A, E, and antioxidants, protect
$59.00呂宋芒奶昔爽冰 Carabao Mango Smoothie
$59.00呂宋芒椰木蓮凍 Morre Jelly with Mango Smoothie